This year we are going to do a "Rainbow Strip Club" of Batiks. This will replace the fat quarters, interest in it had been low this year.
It was suggested to me that if the folks knew what colors would be collected monthly you could shop this summer before Guild started in the fall. With that in mind here is what you need to look for (this would also allow folks who leave for the winter to leave their exhanges and still be a part of the club,for the months they are gone):
Monthly you will need one yard of Batik's in the color specified cut into 12- 2 1/2 inch strips. You will sign up for the exchange at the September meeting. Each month you will roll your strips and turn them in at the meeting in a zip lock bag with your name on the outside. The following month you will pick up your ziplock with a variety of that color.
September - sign up
October - Red
November - Orange
December - Yellow
January - Green
February - Blue (lt to med)
March - Indigo (dark blue)
April - Violet (Purple)
You will receive 12 strips back everytime.