Saturday, September 15, 2012

September Meeting

Good to have the fall season for Q2 started!  A good number attended the meeting including quite a few new ladies.  Welcome to our group!  I think you will enjoy it immensely.  Q2 now has 69 members - 56 returning and 13 new.  15 of our older members were not at our first meeting but may still return.  Welcome to all. Take advantage of the classes, retreats, sit and sew, and all the other good things offered that you can - it will help you become acquainted quicker.  Sign up to work on our annual quilt show - always a fun time in our guild.

Carol Jaeger won the September door prize which was furnished by Elaine Crewes.  Carol and Monty Graham brought along their wonderful Featherweight machine collection and we learned so much  about those wonderful sought after machines.  I especially loved the tiny little toy sewing machines. 

There will be another fun retreat at the Springs October 29 - November 1st.  The cost is $191.00.  If you are interested, contact Linda McGibbon.  As I understand it, these are absolutely wonderful and a good, productive time is had by all who attend.

Fran Galke talked about the annual quilt show to be held April 26 - 28, 2013.  Information on a Round Robin was given by Nancy Wyse.  More information will be forthcoming via the listserve.

REMINDER:   TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 IS SIT AND SEW!!!!!!   Held at Chapel Lane Presbyterian Church, 5501 Jefferson Avenue from 10:00 to 3:00.  Bring your sewing machine or hand sewing and spend time with your quilting friends.  Either bring a lunch or join the lazy gals who go out to eat.  It is a lot of fun and such a wonderful way to get to know each other.  The meetings are fun but hard to get around to get acquainted.  Come over to Chapel Lane - I am sure you will enjoy it.  A small donation is given by each one in attendance to go toward expenses for use of the room. 

The little drawing at the top of the post is one I received in an e-mail from one of the great gals that I follow via her blog.  Here name is Carolyn Lee Hosier and you can check out her blog at  She does some delightful drawings and her work is lovely.  We have followed each other for quite a while now.   Blogging is really a lot of fun and good cyber friends are made, too.

Hope to see you at Sit and Sew!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Meeting of the 2012-2013 Q2 Year

It's that time of year again - time for Quilters Squared members to have their first meeting of the new year.  As usual, the meeting will be at Our Redeemer Church on Poseyville Road.  See the Meeting Button at the top of the page for address and meeting times.  Come at 6:30 so that you can catch up with what everyone has been doing over the summer.  I am sure there will be some new members to greet and make feel welcome to our group.

Be sure to bring along  the projects you have been working on through the summer break - should be a great show and tell.

Bring along some money to buy chances on the monthly door prize, also.  I'm sure the meeting will be chock full of news about coming projects and events.  See you there!!