Friday, March 27, 2015

Getting Excited!

Love it when the Quilt Shows start in the Spring! I attended the Quilt Show in Saginaw last week. Love looking at the beautiful quilts, new ideas and simply being around other quilters! The next one is in Bay City (will give more details when it gets closer) the week before ours. Than of course our Quilt Show the first weekend in May. I did create "Events" for each day of the Quilt Show in Facebook. If you are on Facebook, please share the event so we can get it out to as many people as possible. Here is the link to the first day Quilters Squared Quilt Show . There are separate events for each day.

Than on Facebook this morning I found this interesting link Fold and Sew Quilt Block . Interesting! I might have to try this one out. It looks simple enough even for me!

Spring is here! Keep sewing.

Friday, March 13, 2015


It's that time of the year! Quilt Shows! At Great Lakes Quilt Collections (MSU) is a calender with Michigan Quilt Shows plus lectures and workshops at various quilt groups. Take a look and find something to do next weekend!