Summer Bus Trip -
Please join members and their friends on a fun day of shopping and fun thru Quilt Shops in the Thumb area. Members cost is $30 and non-members is 45. Contact Kathy Tate if you have questions.
Tentative schedule:
Wednesday, July 6th, 2022
8:15 a.m. Depart St John’s Episcopal Church (note change in time)
Quilted Hearts in Millington will offer a 15% discount
Happy Little Quilt Shop will offer a percentage off/ checking with owner
Lunch in Imlay City
Mabelina Quilting Supplies
Linda’s Country Quilts. If you spend $20.00 you receive a 15% discount
Depart for Midland
Approximate arrival at St John’s 6:15 - 6:30 p.m.