- SIT N SEW: Nancy Stanley Sit N Sew continues the third Wednesday of the month. We will probably continue through the summer for everyone that wants to join us. Memorial Presbyterian Church, Ashman St. Park on Allen Street, the parking lot across Allen from the church or go to the disabled parking on the South side of the church and come in the back door. We meet downstairs in room 52. You can come down the s staircase of take the elevator to the basement. See you there. We have enjoyed the fellowship. Nancy Stanley 631-2390
General info:
- Bring whatever you are working on.
- Block or group projects may be provided (see below for details.). Note: Everyone is welcome to come to the Sit-n-Sew and work on their own projects. It is not necessary to work on the group project.
- New embroidery techniques may be demonstrated and practiced.
- Perhaps an exchange for scrappy quilts (swap scraps, strip quilts).
- If you want to learn something new, suggest it.
- If you want to teach something, suggest it.
- Come and enjoy the fellowship and finish any project you’re working on.
- Bring a lunch or go out to eat at any of the nearby restaurants.