Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Shows

Spring is in the air for Quilting! There are lots of shows over the next few weeks before and after ours. Here are a few you might like to check out:

5th Annual 2010 Quilt Show & Fine Arts Festival
Saturday, April 17th 10 am - 4 pm
Columbiaville Methodist Church

4696 Pine St
Columbiaville, Michigan 48421

Admission - $3

Bay Heritage Quilters Guild
April 23-25th
Fri-Sat 10AM to 6PM
Sun Noon - 4PM
Scottish Rite Masonic Center
614 Center Ave., Bay City
Admission: $5.00
(See Flyer in this month's Newsletter)

Lansing Area Patchers
May 22nd - 23rd
The Summit in Dimondale, MI.
Sat 9-4, Sun 9-2
Admission: $6.00
(See website for more details)

If you know of any shows that Guild members might be interested let Julie or Carol know - we are happy to post information on our blog....

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blind Auction Entries

JoAnn Fiedler is in charge of taking care of the entries for our blind auction at the upcoming Q2 Quilt show. She wants to get started organizing the items and their donors and asked that we put a form in a post that you could copy, fill it out and return to her. The information she needs is--------------
Phone number and e-mail address:_____________________________________
Item for blind auction:_______________________________________________
Short description:__________________________________________________
Market Value:_____________________________________________________
Minimum Value:___________________________________________________
Best Way to Display:________________________________________________
JoAnn Fiedler - email: Phone 631-3835
This can be copied, pasted and saved in whatever program you use for that purpose. In my case, I saved it in Microsoft Works Spreadsheet. Or you could just highlight it and print it out.
JoAnn would like to receive these as soon as possible to get started making a record of the donations.
Here is a copy of a previous post explaining the blind auction and what is needed:
We are hoping to receive items that are a step above those put into our very successful Bazaar - don't want to change that! For the Auction we are looking for items a "step up" from what you would donate to the Bazaar - please consider quilted items, long arm quilting “time”, etc. Any electrical items (i.e. old Sewing Machines) MUST be in working order- All donations not bid on will be returned to the contributor- You can bring the item during set-up on April 29th; however, we require a contact name and number, a brief description of the donated item, the fair market value and a recommended “minimum bid”. This needs to be provided NO LATER THAN April 13th. We will be creating an inventory and making a list of items for bidders to use so we need this information as soon as possible.- If we have more then one long arm sewer donating time we would ask that you get together and agree on what “formula” you will use so we can be consistent on this particular item.Please contact Ann Ward or Jo Ann Fiedler if you have questions.

Sit & Sew Tuesday

Reminder that tomorrow is Sit and Sew at the Chapel Lane Presbyterian Church on Jefferson. From 10:00 -3:00, it's a nice to spend all or part of the day with your fellow Q2ers. See the info on the left side bar. Bring your lunch or not - someone is always going out to eat or bringing in. Sewing machines are welcome, also. It's a good thing!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Q2 March Meeting

Last night Q2 met for a jampacked March meeting that tied up the threads from February that the snow unraveled. Here we see Nancy, our president, holding her secret valentine and behind her some of the other members with their pretty presents. A double door prize and fat quarter drawing was held - and I believe I am finally off the hook for winning too many things. From where I sat, it seems that Nancy W. walked off with three of the drawings. Good for you, Nancy! Jean won the potholders I made for commenting on the blog between the January and February meetings and Marion gets the fat quarter for being the first to comment.

The round robins were shown and returned to their original makers for being assembled and shown in the quilt show, either quilted or not. A great group of tops - they will be lovely wall hangings.

Signups were being held for a class by Caroline Freeman that sounds like super fun. It is a fusing class and you can see the information on the left sidebar. As I understand it, there will be no need to bring your sewing machine unless you are superfast with your cutting and fusing skills. That always suits me to a tee to leave my heavy little old friend home. She will be there for me when I am ready to finish the piece with the necessary sewing.

The featured speaker was Margaret Rouleau from Bay City, a certified AQS quilt appraiser. She gave a very informative talk and then did appraisals on two quilts. I did not get a picture and I apologize for that.

Our quilt show is getting closer - don't forget to get the papers made out for your entries and bring them to the April meeting. The girls need time to get everything together in the way of paper work and that does take a goodly amount of work.

Keep in mind that next Tuesday, March 16, will be Sit and Sew. See you there!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March Meeting

Everyone - our next meeting is this Tuesday, March 9th. Hopefully you recieved the Newsletter with all the details (if not, please let Jackie know!). Here are some highlights:

We have lots to do at our meeting this month. Some things are hold overs from the cancelled meeting in February, drawings, quilt show, etc.

We also look forward to Margaret A. Rouleau she is a A.Q.S. Appraiser . Our two lucky winners who will have a Free appraisal by Margaret are Carol Bornsheurer and Nancy Stevens.

There will be TWO Door Prizes this month (Feb/March) so double the chance to win! Also TWO Fat Quarter Draws - February (Irish) March (Spring).

And don't forget your Round Robin Quilts - Challenge Quilts should be ready for presentation at our April Meeting.

See you there (well I won't, but certainly others will ;->) Jewels...