Thursday, October 11, 2012

October with Q2 - Part 1

Tuesday, October 9th, was our second meeting of the guild year.  A great turnout!  And a great show and tell!  After the annoucements, door prize that was furnished by Diane Lytle and won by Lori Masley,  showing of the first rounds of the round robin, and all the other business old and new, a delightful talk on "Piecing Quilt Blocks Using Fibonacci Numbers" was given by Ann Simanskey.  Ann is co-owner along with Patty Rapanos of the beautiful new quilt shop here in Midland.    Ann is shown in the picture above along with Kathy, who has her gorgeous fabric for the fibonacci quilt.

Next day, Ann taught a class on this concept.  Fibonacci--I had heard of it but had no idea what it was.   I am still not quite sure how it works, but from the way the pieces made by the class attendees turned out - I am sure you will agree it works!  And it is not difficult.  Quite a few of the girls got their pieces finished.  Some of us did not, but close enough that it won't take much to wind them up.  I am going to post pictures I took at the class.  Will not try to put names to all of them since I do not have names and faces of some of our newer members in my old mind yet, but I promise I eventually will!  It was so good to see the newer Q2 members participate and I hope you had a good time.   You should come to Sit and Sew next week - I am sure you will like it and it's such a good way to get acquainted!! 

Here goes------

I think I missed getting a picture of the pretty Deb Badur!!  I can see her in the background in the last picture!!  Hopefully, she is in one of the upcoming photos.  I am sorry if I forgot anyone else, also!!  (Continued in next post)