Monday, June 20, 2016

Sit-n-Sew - new location

Sit-n-Sew for Guild members is this Tuesday, June 21, 10 am. till 3 pm. at its new location - St. Johns Episcopal Church.  Feel free to do handwork or bring a machine and enjoy the fellowship. Sit-n-Sew is usually the third Tuesday, please note exceptions on the Program Calendar page. A donation of $5 to the church is appreciated.

Friday, June 10, 2016

2016 Quilt Show

PASS THE TIARA – "Rhythm Of Life"

Thank you to everyone who attended our 2016 Pass the Tiara – "Rhythm Of Life" show between April 29, 30 and May 1. The show highlighted quilts by our featured quilters, Helen Mudd and Marcia Stanick, and our members' quilts – the Song Title Challenge, Round Robins, Mystery Quilt, a variety of small to large, oldies and innovative/art quilts.

Our thanks to the Midland County Historical Society and the Max Carey Blacksmith Guild for their continuing support.

Viewers voted on their favorites in eight categories. First, second and third places are shown in the following photos (click a photo to enlarge it).

Challenge Quilt: Kathy Allbee, Leslie Peterson, MaryAnn Howard
Round Robin Quilt: Amy Brokaw, Jackie Fellows, Beverly Hill
Mystery Quilt: Nancy McCallum, Deb Badour, Marcia Streeter
Large Quilt: Nancy Wyse, Linda McGibbon, Sue Gelderbloom 
Lap/Twin Quilt: Beth Gardner, Phyllis Roberts, Marylin Johanson
Miniature/Wall Quilt: Nancy Wyse, Leslie Peterson, Missy Hall 
Miscellaneous: Kathy Allbee, MaryAnn Howard, Karen Adamcik
Oldies: Leslie Peterson, Phyllis Roberts, Donna Leinberger

Celestial Stars - Block of the Month

Celestial Stars by Linda McGibbon
Celestial Stars
Celestial Stars will be the 2016-2017 Block of the Month. It is an original design by Guild member Linda McGibbon (Lakeview Quilting) who is chairing the project. This is the sixth year that Linda will be doing the Block of the Month. Other projects have included Diamond Jubilee from Equilter Magazine, Wheels & Gears and Grande Finale (Linda's designs), Judy Neimeyer's Prairie Star and Jacqueline DeJonge's Stars of Light. For more information about the Celestial Stars project please go to the Block of the Month page.

Several other quilts by Linda were displayed at Anthology Fabric Booth at the May Quilt Spring Market in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Linda McGibbon - Drunken Pineapple
Drunken Pineapple
upper right
Linda McGibbon - Eye of the Storm
Eye of the Storm
top back quilt under the concession sign
Linda McGibbon - Casseopia
left upper corner
Linda McGibbon - Perseus
lower corner by the lady in the chair

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Breast cancer pillows

One of the Guild's charity projects is done in cooperation with Midland Cancer Services and distributed by the Women's Health Center. Breast cancer pillows are made for post mastectomy patients. Guild members make the pillows using a template. Later Velcro is added to the strap, pillows are stuffed, the opening is pinned and hand sewn so the seam remains flat and a card is added to each finished pillow. Approximately 25 pillows are distributed each month. The following photos were taken at a recent work session (click a photo to enlarge it).

Pillows that have had velcro attached on their straps; waiting to be stuffed. Pillow being stuffed.
Opening pinned so seam is flat when sewn.
Hand sewing seam Finished pillow; waiting for its card. Pillows ready for distribution.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Blog: Update, follow us and photo tip

As tablets and smartphones have gained popularity, several updates have been made to the blog and will be made so it is easy to read and navigate using a computer or a mobile device. For example, the layout has been changed from three columns to two columns, so the area for the postings is larger, and "Contact us" is a new tab that has the list of officers and committee chairs.

Follow by EMailIf you would like to receive an email when a new posting appears on this the Home page, please browse the sidebar on the right and complete “Follow by Email”

Tip: Photos may appear small in a posting. Just click a photo to enlarge it. On your computer or tablet there may be additional options when multiple photos are in a posting. First, click one of the photos to enlarge it. Other photos in the same post appear as thumbnails below the enlarged image. To view the next photo, click a thumbnail or click within the enlarged photo. On a computer the left and right arrow keys may advance to the next photo, too. When done, click the X in the upper right corner of the photo to return to the post.