Saturday, June 4, 2016

Blog: Update, follow us and photo tip

As tablets and smartphones have gained popularity, several updates have been made to the blog and will be made so it is easy to read and navigate using a computer or a mobile device. For example, the layout has been changed from three columns to two columns, so the area for the postings is larger, and "Contact us" is a new tab that has the list of officers and committee chairs.

Follow by EMailIf you would like to receive an email when a new posting appears on this the Home page, please browse the sidebar on the right and complete “Follow by Email”

Tip: Photos may appear small in a posting. Just click a photo to enlarge it. On your computer or tablet there may be additional options when multiple photos are in a posting. First, click one of the photos to enlarge it. Other photos in the same post appear as thumbnails below the enlarged image. To view the next photo, click a thumbnail or click within the enlarged photo. On a computer the left and right arrow keys may advance to the next photo, too. When done, click the X in the upper right corner of the photo to return to the post.