Tuesday, January 3, 2017

January 2017 Guild activities

Please save the date for the Guild's 2017 Pass the Tiara - Shores of Michigan Quilt Show: April 28, 29 and 30.

Projects displayed at December's Show 'n Tell. (photos may appear small; click a photo to enlarge it.)

Block of the Month: Celestial Stars meeting.

Please check the Program page for additional information for the following activities. Also, more information is provided in the newsletter distributed to members.
  • Tuesday, January 10: Meeting canceled due to weather. It will not be rescheduled. Look forward to seeing everyone in February.

  • Tuesday, January 17: Sit 'n Sew. This is an opportunity to share ideas, work on projects, ask questions, have lunch together at a local eatery or bring a lunch. Enjoy!