Photos are from November's Show 'n Tell. More photos below.
- Tuesday, December 4: Nancy Brown needs reservations for the dinner meeting if you have not signed up yet.
- Wednesday, December 5: Open Sit 'n Sew: Work on your group project or come and work on your own project. Sit-n-Sew and Group Project describes the group project - Vintage Awakening or Vintage Awakening II that is now completed; however, Linda plans to be at the Sit 'n Sew if anyone needs assistance. (Photo on the right is a member's Project at the November Sit 'n Sew.)
- Tuesday, December 11: Dinner Meeting: 6:00 for social half-hour, 6:30 for dinner. Nancy Brown needs reservations for the dinner meeting by December 4 if you have not signed up yet.
- Wednesday, December 19: Sit 'n Sew More information about Sit 'n Sew is provided on the Sit-n-Sew and Group Project page. Come and enjoy the fellowship and finish any project you’re working on. Bring a lunch or go out to eat at any of the nearby restaurants.