2019 Midland Quilters Squared Quilt Show
"Birds of a Feather Quilt Together"
will be held in the
Herbert D. Doan Midland County History Center
3417 W. Main St., Midland MI
April 26 & 27, Friday, Saturday: 10 - 5 and April 28, Sunday: 12 - 4
Admission: $5 |
- Wednesday, April 3: Open Sit 'n Sew from 10-2 at Chapel Lane Presbyterian Church. Come and enjoy the fellowship and finish any project you’re working on. Bring a lunch or go out to eat at any of the nearby restaurants.
- Tuesday, April 9: Guild meeting. The program at 7 PM will be Tawni Young from InterQuilten presenting "Landscape Art" at St. John's Episcopal Church. Meeting details are provided on the About Us page.
- Wednesday, April 10: Tawni Young - Landscape Art. "Back by popular demand" Tawni from InterQuilten will lead us through the process of creating a wall hanging from minced pieces of fabric. Advance sign-up is necessary.
- Wednesday, April 17: Open Sit 'n Sew from 10-2 at Chapel Lane Presbyterian Church. More information about Sit 'n Sew is provided on the Sit-n-Sew page.
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday, April 26 - April 28: Midland Quilters Squared Annual Quilt Show