Thursday, April 25, 2019

2019 Quilt Show setup on Thursday

Tina and Marcelle hung the first quilt
that members brought in today for the Show.
Linda Radek, the featured quilter, and Guild members are displaying about 140 quilts. Categories for member items will fill the panels include Challenge quilts using the theme "Birds of a Feather Quilt Together"; Round Robin and Mystery Quilt; Large, Lap, and Miniature/Wall; English Paper Piecing and Miscellaneous quilted items.

We look forward to seeing you this
Friday and Saturday: 10 - 5 and Sunday: 12 - 4

  "Birds of  a Feather Quilt Together"
Herbert D. Doan Midland County History Center
3417 W. Main St., Midland MI

Admission: $5
includes Silent auction, door favors, bazaar and
admission to History Center displays
directions and construction suggestions
A few of the magazines in the bazaar.

Patterns, fabric, lots of
sewing and quilting related items.