I heard 69 folks attended our first meeting of the season! Wow, that must be a record for us! Thank you Nancy Wyse for helping us get settled into our new digs. We even had a lovely "Welcome" poster!
Ami Simms was our guest speaker (How Not To Make A Prize Winning Quilt) - wasn't she great (I'll never forget her shower curtain ;->). We may be starting a tradition on "booing" winners of our various monthly draws - but all in fun.
The gals who took her class earlier in the day got to show off the end results...
Our Temp Prez Melissa and on of our Program Peeps, Tam were busy at the back getting everyone signed up for all our wonderful upcoming classes (I'll post more details shortly). Congratulations, and many thanks, to Nancy Stanley who has graciously agreed to be our 2009/2010 Prez. Give her a big smile, handshake, hug (and probably some sympathy) next time you see her! Also, let her know if you are interested in this year's Round Robin...
We also did our "inchie" exchange amongst other things - they really were cute. No Show and Tell this month but we expect to see great things in October!
The 2009-2010 Quilt Challenge was introduced by Kathy - this year's theme is Storytime (check the side bar for more information).
Still waiting to hear about any shops you would like to see us list, your glob (whoops, meant blog) if you have one, and anything else you like to see on our site. Leave a comment and I will be happy to get back to you. And new to our site - we do have "Bees" - check out the list and if you have any to add let us know!