Saturday, February 27, 2010

Quilting Quotes

Saw this quote today on the Net and thought I would share....

We're all 1/4 inch from the edge!

What's your favorite quilting quote?

Something to think about on a wintry day in mid Michigan ;->. Jewels

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sit and Sew Tomorrow

Button, Button, Who's Got the Button? Hoping you do and .......................................
hoping that you have some to bring along with you tomorrow to Sit and Sew. We will work on the giveaways that did not get done because of the snow night for Q2. It should by no means take up too much of the time so bring along what you intended to work on also. The buttons should be no larger than the 1/2" size and bright colors are the best but we can also use the white ones. They will be glued to vintage children's greeting cards like this to represent cards of buttons. The back of each card has information on our guild. I found a packet of 4 little bottles of glue - but if you have some Elmer's, Tacky, or other liquid glue, please bring that along, too.

If you are able to come to Sit and Sew, we would so love to see you. It's a great group of ladies and a good way to get acquainted. Just a reminder, some bring their lunch, others either eat out someplace or bring food back. Or come for part of the day if you have another appointment. We meet at Chapel Lane Presbyterian Church from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm. Please come join us.
Don't forget the buttons!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Upcoming Bazaar and Auction...

Everyone - we need all of your help to make our Bazaar and FIRST Auction a success....

We appreciate all of the items you bring in for the Bazaar and would ask the following:

- Consider donating HAND MADE items for the show - in the past we have had pin cushions, needle cases, thread catchers, mini quilts, note cards, collages, dolls, pillows....all kinds of wonderful things - you've still got time so get creative!
- PLEASE price items for us - it really helps - if you are donating fabric please place in ziploc bags - we typically price at $2.00. If you have a large cut piece please price.
- The exception are books, magazines and patterns which the committee will set a standard price for (unless otherwise marked)
Please contact Nancy Stanley or Johanna Frohm if you have questions.

For the Auction we are looking for items a "step up" from what you would donate to the Bazaar - please consider quilted items, long arm quilting “time”, etc. Any electrical items (i.e. old Sewing Machines) MUST be in working order
- All donations not bid on will be returned to the contributor
- You can bring the item during set-up on April 29th; however, we require a contact name and number, a brief description of the donated item, the fair market value and a recommended “minimum bid”. This needs to be provided NO LATER THAN April 13th. We will be creating an inventory and making a list of items for bidders to use so we need this information as soon as possible.
- If we have more then one long arm sewer donating time we would ask that you get together and agree on what “formula” you will use so we can be consistent on this particular item.
Please contact Ann Ward or Jo Ann Fiedler if you have questions.

This years show promises to be very exciting - if you would like to help distribute posters to your Church, place of work, favorite group or friends please contact Julie Oman..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Note from Nancy

Hope you found a warm place to be Tuesday night in place of our Midland Quilters Squared Guild Meeting. I certainly hesitated to cancel but thought it was the wise thing to do. I believe this is the first time we have had to cancel in the last two years.

We had a lot of things to cover at the meeting and will try to cover them somewhat with this followup note.

The fat quarter drawing for February was to be "Going Irish". Let's do that one in March and also a separate second drawing for March "Spring Colors and Spring Things."
Two chances to win fat quarters!

Why not do the same thing with the door prizes?
Gift for February is from Ann Ward
Gift for March is from Jean Langril

It was too bad we couldn't exchange the Secret Valentines in February but they will be just as much fun in March. Don't forget to bring them to the March meeting. Hope you have a "Sweet Valentine's Day".

Round Robin needs to continue because they will be revealed at the March meeting. If you are participating in the round robin, simply keep the one you have from last month and add another round. The last person on the tag will simply be ignored. Thanks to all who are part of the challenge and for hanging in there.

Don't forget the story book challenge. Keep working on them so they can be shown at the April Meeting.

The appraiser will be with us in March. If you would like to win the appraisal on your quilt, submit your name to Tam Premo and she will draw a name and notify you so you can bring your quilt for appraisal. A nice value gift for the winner!

We were to work on giveaways for the quilt show and will plan to do that at the Sit and Sew next Tuesday, February 16 at Chapel Lane. You can bring your buttons and Carol B. will have the cards to work on. Bright colored buttons no bigger than the 1/2" size will be needed to go with the storybook character button cards. We need lots of buttons. If you can't be at the Sit and Sew and want to drop off some buttons, you can do so by dropping them at Nancy Stanley's, 101 Capitol. You can leave a bag between the doors if she is not home. This should not take up the whole time so please bring along a project to work on also.

The Nominating Committee will be looking at a slate of oficers for the 2010-2011 season. The other part of planning for next year is finding people who are interested in making up the

1> Program Committee for the 2011-2012 year (known as the Program Peeps

2> We also need a person to head up the Round Robin next year.

3> We need a person to be in charge of the Quilt Show for 2011. There are good notes being put together by Julie Oman, this year's chairman , and willing to help make the job go well.

We still have lots of interesting programs coming up and culminate with our sumer banquet on June 8th. Carolyn Freeman and Kate Mass make up our banquet committee.

Find a warm corner and do some quilting while it's cold and snowy.

Nancy Stanley, President

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Meeting Tonight is Called Off

THE QUILTERS SQUARED MEETING TONIGHT, FEBRUARY 9TH, HAS BEEN CANCELLED..................................................

Due to the weather, the meeting for tonight has been cancelled.

If you are participating in the Round Robin, please add another round to the one you have and that will be your assignment for the March meeting when they will be exchanged again.

If you are in the group doing the Valentine exchange, plan on bringing your project to next month's meeting for all to enjoy.

As for the giveaways for the quilt show that we were to work on, I think that might be a good task for some of us at Sit and Sew. We would actually have three meetings before the quilt show so should be able to easily get them done.
Stay in and stay warm!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February Newsletter

Heh everyone - Jackie is off to a great start with the newsletter - if for some reason you did not recieve be sure to let her know at our next meeting, this Tuesday, Feb. 9th. PLEASE be sure to bring supplies to work on the Give Away (I just don't own that many 1/2 " colorful buttons!).
From Our President:
"Be My Valentine" - it's just about time to celebrate with your sweetie. Baking a batch of cookies or make some yummy cupcakes, perhaps a night on the town. Whatever you choose have some fun. I am anxious to see what everyone comes up with for the Valentines Challenge and Show n Tell. See you Tuesday!
Please come and help us with the giveaways for the Quilt Show.
Julie Oman asked that folks on the Quilt Show Committee be prepared to stay a little after the meeting to go over some information.
Nancy Stanley
Inclement Weather/Cancellation Information:
Call 989-687-7599 to find out if the meeting has been cancelled due to inclement weather. Cancellation notice will be left on this answering machine no later than 3:00 p.m. the day of the monthly meeting.
A cold evening outside but we were warm inside at Midland Quilters Squared.
The president welcomed everyone and started the meeting.
Old Business:
The announcement of the resignation of Carry Maday as Secretary and a Thank You to her for her service. Jackie Fellows was nominated to fill the position. A vote was taken and we welcome Jackie as our new Secretary.
New bylaws were available at the table with comparisons between the new and existing bylaws. The president read each of the bylaws and item by item through discussion and agreement were passed.
(You will receive them shortly)
New Business:

Julie Oman gave us the directions for the Valentines Challenge.
a) sign up b) place name in basket c) draw name from basket for your Secret Valentine and take brown bag d) create a Handmade item - mini quilt, sachet, pin cushion, postcard, ornament - only criteria is that it must include a "heart" e) please item in paper bag, seal and add the name of your Secret Valentine on the bag f) Bring to February meeting Have Fun! Thanks Julie!
An invitation to submit a block for a Quilt Guild in Texas has been answered by Carolyn Freeman. She will submit a block and send us a picture
An announcement of an upcoming exhibit at the Eleanor and Edsel Ford Exhibit of Paper Quilting was made, the exhibit runs Feb 6th - March 28 in Gross Point.
The Round Robin Quilt were shown and distributed for the next round. Good job gals, keep up the good work!
Show n tell was beautiful as always. Everything from carriers (to transport casseroles, etc) to large quilts. Some great examples of the classes from the past few months as well. Linda McGibbeon was introduced and she delivered a very interesting program to show us how to use EQ6-7? We know how she comes up with the beautiful quilts she designs and makes. Thanks
Remember to leave a comment on the blog for Carol‟s FABULOUS give away. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning.
Work on giveaways for the quilt show - Julie Oman
If you signed up to work on the Quilt Show or you are on the committee
we ask that you plan on staying after the meeting to discuss activities and answer any questions. We will also be working on the give-away items.
Supplies that are needed for the give-away are:
COLORFUL buttons (on the small size) and glue.
Don‟t forget about your Challenge Quilts for the Quilt Show. This year theme is "StoryTime". These quilts will be revealed at the April Meeting. (See Sidebar!)
One more month for the Round Robin. We will have the reveal during the March 9th meeting. Everyones quilts are looking great. What fun this has been.
The Fat Quarter Drawing for this month is "Luck of the Irish" anything Irish.
Bring a fat quarter and your name is entered into a drawing. You may enter more than once. The winner gets ALL of the fat quarters!!!
This Month's Door Prize is donated by Ann Ward – Each month we have a drawing – Tickets are available for purchase at the meeting.
Update from Program committee - Tam Premo - Heads up for our March 9th meeting,
Margaret Rouleau will be talking about Quilt Appraisals. During our February meeting we will hold a drawing (free for members) for 2 members to win a Quilt Appraisal ($40 value). Good Luck to all who enters this drawing.
Show N Tell - Bring your beauties!
Exchange of the Secret Valentine Challenge - Julie Oman
February 16th (third Tuesday) - Sit and Sew
Where and When: Chapel Lane Presbyterian Church 10 am. - 3 pm.
Bring a project to work on and enjoy the day sewing and chatting! Don't forget your sewing
machine, supplies, a sack lunch (or visit one of the fine sandwich shops in the area). A small
donation is accepted to give to the church to help pay for electricity and such.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tuesday Supplies!

Hello everyone - this month we will be working on the Quilt Show Give Away for our guests...

..staying with our theme of Buttons, Beads and Bows, we will be making Button Cards

...using images from vintage cards...

We think they will be really sweet - and a nice way of saying thank you to everyone who drops in...
We DO need you to bring some supplies - really easy

Colourful buttons - around 1/2 inch size would be best

Glue - Elmers would do - but something that will make those buttons STICK
SMILES - we hope everyone will have a great time!

See you next week! And all you Secret Valentines - can't wait to see what you came up with!Jewels and FOH
p.s leave a comment - there is still time to win our own Give Away!