Don't forget the story book challenge. Keep working on them so they can be shown at the April Meeting.
The appraiser will be with us in March. If you would like to win the appraisal on your quilt, submit your name to Tam Premo and she will draw a name and notify you so you can bring your quilt for appraisal. A nice value gift for the winner!
We were to work on giveaways for the quilt show and will plan to do that at the Sit and Sew next Tuesday, February 16 at Chapel Lane. You can bring your buttons and Carol B. will have the cards to work on. Bright colored buttons no bigger than the 1/2" size will be needed to go with the storybook character button cards. We need lots of buttons. If you can't be at the Sit and Sew and want to drop off some buttons, you can do so by dropping them at Nancy Stanley's, 101 Capitol. You can leave a bag between the doors if she is not home. This should not take up the whole time so please bring along a project to work on also.
The Nominating Committee will be looking at a slate of oficers for the 2010-2011 season. The other part of planning for next year is finding people who are interested in making up the
1> Program Committee for the 2011-2012 year (known as the Program Peeps
2> We also need a person to head up the Round Robin next year.
3> We need a person to be in charge of the Quilt Show for 2011. There are good notes being put together by Julie Oman, this year's chairman , and willing to help make the job go well.
We still have lots of interesting programs coming up and culminate with our sumer banquet on June 8th. Carolyn Freeman and Kate Mass make up our banquet committee.
Find a warm corner and do some quilting while it's cold and snowy.
Nancy Stanley, President