I had a call fromNancy Stanley this afternoon in regard to our Sit and Sew that is held at the Chapel Lane church on the third Tuesday from 10 to 3:00. Nancy had announced at our meeting this past Tuesday evening that we were unable to get the room on this coming Tuesday and would therefore be having our meeting on the fourth Tuesday this month. That was an error and Sit and Sew will be held next Tuesday, September 20th. Spread the word that it will be the normal day and not the following week.
I took lots of pictures at Show and Tell but have not put them on my computer yet - will try and get a slide show up this weekend. I have taken pictures since the blog was put up and am wondering if anyone else would like to do that, put them on a disc and give them to me to be put up for the other guild members to see. This is something I just did on my own but would welcome someone else snapping some shots of the lovely things we all make. Leave a comment if you might consider it. Thanks much!