Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! Let's do Redwork!

The holidays are upon us! Thanksgiving in the morning and Christmas less than a month away.! Such a busy time of year! It gets crazy, making gifts, wrapping presents, cooking! Hard to think about 2014 right around the corner.

On this cold November morning I am setting in my chair with my fuzzy, warm, purring kitty Feather! Thinking about what I want to learn in the new year. We have a wonderful opportunity in February! Leslie is going to teach us all sorts of exciting things to do with Red Work embroidery. I learned to embroidery when I was about 5 or 6 and never learned the things she is planning on teach us, so I can't wait! BUT, we need enough people interested to have the class. SO, have you called Cassie to register for the class? (see previous post)

Also in the spirit of Christmas, please comment in the space below this posting and you will receive a gift at the Christmas party in December!! You do have to be a member to get a gift but that is easy also! Join us! And, please comment below!!
