Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 2017 Guild activities

Photos are from May's Show 'n Tell. (Click a photo to enlarge it.)
Canyon Twilight
Block of the Month

The 2016-2017 Block of the Month Celestial Stars is wrapping up.

The 2017-2018 BOM pattern, Canyon Twilight (displayed on the left), will begin in September. More details are on the Block of the Month page.

Please check the Program page for additional information for the following activities. Also, more information is provided in the newsletter distributed to members.
  • Tuesday, June 13: Spring Banquet, meeting, show & tell and fun. Signups occurred at the May meeting. 

  • Next Sit 'n Sew dates will be provided in the newsletter and at the meeting. This is an opportunity to share ideas, work on projects, ask questions, have lunch together at a local eatery or bring a lunch. Enjoy!