Secret Valentine!
Yes, the holidays are over and 2009 is now in the past. FOH and I hope you had a safe and wonderful holiday. Time to start thinking about all our 2010 activities - including our GREAT Quilt Show (see our new Countdown Clock!). I think FOH has a blog Give Away in mind to! Meanwhile, we thought we would try something fun for our February meeting. Please consider signing up to be a "Secret Valentine". It's real easy - during our January meeting there will be a sign up sheet as well as a basket to drop your name in. By the end of the meeting we will draw names and that is the person you will be the Secret Valentine for. All you have to do is make a small item (operative word - MAKE) from your stash that includes the shape of a heart - it can be a pincushion, a mini quilt, a pillow, a decoration, a fabric postcard....whatever you can think of. We will provide you with a paper bag to put your lovely valentine in. All we ask is that for the February meeting you bring your item in the bag with the name of the person you picked on the bag. Simple, don't you think? We hope lots of folks sign up - the more the better!
See you soon.