Monday, April 9, 2012

Time for the April meeting already!  Don't forget - tomorrow night, April 10, social time 6:30 p.m., at Our Redeemer Church.  (See newsletter or info on the sidebar of this blog).

If you have quilts to be shown in our upcoming quilt show this month, please fill out registration forms and get them to Jean or Mary Ann ASAP.   If you cannot attend the show, let them know and arrangements will be made for delivery and pickup of your quilts.

The challenge quilts will be shown at the meeting.  So anxious to see everyone's lovely work.  There is always a group of wonderful quilts for the yearly challenge.

If you haven't signed up to work on the quilt show, please do so now.  No better way to get to know the members of the guild.

Don't forget your Show and Tell.

Be ready to enjoy a lecture by JNKS - four of our very talented gals (Janna, Nancy, Kathy and Stephanie) who challenge each other and turn out some beautiful pieces! 

There will be two new classes to sign up for and enjoy:
Leslie Peterson will give a class on Hand Appliqueing with Wool on May 16th at Chapel Lane from 10 until 2:00.  Sounds wonderful!!

Linda's group have completed the Block of the Month meetings and many of the quilts are completed.  A new pattern will be started in May and she will have two samples at the meeting.  These are gorgeous!!  Be ready to sign up for this BOM, too.

Don't forget Sit and Sew next Tuesday, April 19th.  Check out Newsletter.  Another wonderful chance to get to know your fellow guild members.

See you tomorrow night!