I know we have some VERY creative ladies in our Guild so I am hoping you can help me out! My sister asked me to make a wall hanging for her husband, who happens to be a Volunteer Fireman (what a great guy!). I've managed to get some nice material, but I have to say I am a little stumped on what to do.
I also have a "picture" of his crest, but hoping to get the real thing (probably around 4" x 4" in diameter) to incorporate into the quilt. If anyone has any suggestions (blocks to use, layouts, maybe you've done something similar????) PLEASE shoot them my way (either at the next Guild meeting or via email)...
And did I mention, we already have the backing picked out (LOL!). Thanks in advance for your help!
Do YOU need some help getting the creative juices going? Feel free to use our blog to ask advice from others - together we learn!